Our main objective is systematic production improvements in audiovisual field of work, Macedonian film and film profession in general. We collaborate with other professional associations and government institutions related to film production. We act as a represent and we strive to promote the interests of film producers, cooperate with other institutions preparing new industry legislation and agreements, improve work ethics and film professionalism and maintain contact with media representatives in Macedonia and abroad.
Our goal is the protection of film profession as a whole as well as the regulation of professional standards in the field. The important goals we aspire to achieve with our work are: the concern about the quality of work, the protection of the producers rights, raising public awareness about the importance of film and other audiovisual works as an important segment of our Macedonian national culture. In addition, as an association of producers, we strive to provide our members with legal, moral and operational protection in the production of films and other audiovisual works.